Get involved in the St. Leo Parish! Click each topic to learn more about volunteer opportunities. We have many needs ranging from gardening and building maintenance to social activities and to liturgical support. As a small Parish, St. Leo Parish and its member Churches are especially grateful for the outpouring of help and dedication from Church members. Please share your time and talents and join in service with your Church community!
Volunteer Opportunities
There are many ways to support your Church community. One of the most valuable donations you can make is to give your time or your talent. Please let the office know if you have interests or skills that you would be willing to share. See the list on this page for ideas for volunteer opportunities. If you think you can contribute in other ways, please let us know.
Building and Grounds Committee
- Gardening – seasonal planting, weeding & spruce up
- Maintenance – evaluate and help coordinate facility upkeep & repairs.
Community Outreach
- Determine community needs where the Church can serve the poor, elderly, sick and home bound.
Social Activities Committee
- Weekday Coffee Hour
- Lenten Fish Fry
- Annual Parish Picnic
- FNO – Family Night Out, monthly dinner and movie in the Parish hall
Family Life
- New member welcome committee
- Bereavement Committee
Ladies Auxiliary
- Altar Care
- Seniors’ Luncheon
- Confirmation Reception
Spiritual & Liturgical
- Choir
- Altar Servers
- Bible Studies
- Children’s Liturgy
- Eucharistic Ministers
- Gift Bearers
- Lectors
- Prayer Groups
- Rosary Group
- Ushers/Greeters
Religious Education
- Adult Education/Faith Formation
- Sunday School
- Youth Religious Education CCD and Liturgy of the Word
- Vacation Bible School
- Altar Server School
Youth & Young Adults Committee
- Middle School Youth Group
- High School Youth Group
- Young Adults
Volunteer Coordinator
- Help recruit volunteers and support community involvment
Religious Education & Youth Ministry
Please see our Religious Education Page.
Ladies’ Auxiliary
St. Leo’s Ladies’ Auxiliary has as it’s purpose “to help the pastor in Christ’s ministry to the people of the parish.” More specifically, they arrange for monthly altar care, organize events to benefit the local community, e.g., West Alabama Sav-a-life. They support the families in times of grief, organizing a meal for the family at the time of funerals, help financially with youth events such as parties and Vacation Bible school.
All women of the parish are considered members of the Auxiliary and encouraged to attend the monthly meetings held on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. (except during June, July, and August.). Modest dues are collected once yearly and the monies used to finance the projects listed as well as pay for the hosts used at Mass.
Current officers are Kay Courney, president, Denise Duke, Vice President, Jan McDonald, secretary and Lucette Osborn, treasurer. For more information please contact Kay Courtney, 334-289-4281.
Hispanic Initiative
La comunidad hispana de esta parroquia quiere unirse y trabajar por ser una comunidad de Fe que sea solidaria, responsable, y acogedora. Que celebre sus fiestas religiosas, tradicionales, y pueda compartir su cultura con las nuevas generaciones y toda su comunidad parroquial americana.
Juntas para el Grupo de Madres Hispanas: mercoles de 5-6pm
Los invitamos a participar en nuestros servios religiosos (misas, rosarios, y convivencias, etc.)
Puede llamar a:
H. Rosa Maria Reyes (205) 588-9360
Maira Trusler (334) 507-3727
Santa Moreno (334) 510-5109
The Hispanic community of this Church would like to join and work to be a community of faith that is united, responsible, and comforting. That celebrates religious and traditional parties, and can share culture with the new generations and all of the American church community.
Meetings for the group of Hispanic mothers: Meet Wednesday from 5-6 pm
We invite you to participate in our religious services (Mass, rosary, meetings, etc).
You can call: